Thursday, November 20, 2014

Cambridge Medicine Interview: Round 2.

So what have I been up to?

Egg Benedict at Tom's Kitchen
Sloane Square 

Yes, I've been slightly drowned by work after a weekend of fun-fun-fun and no-work-at-all! in London but I'm not slacking a single bit on writing.

Remember I wrote an article on Cambridge Medicine Interview before? Recently, I wrote another article on Cambridge Medicine Interview for an organization called Malaysian Medics International (UK). You can head over and read it. Share it with any friends you think would appreciate it. And also, thank you my dear friends who volunteered yourselves for the interview. :)

Besides, I will (possibly) be facing my second med school interview soon! When I first got in, I thought this is it, I am done with the scary med school admission interview but when I arrived here, they told me, no, you will have to go through another round of application to get into Cambridge's Clinical School because we only have space for half of number of medical students in your year. 

Wth? Another round of cambridge interview?! I have only realised this very recently when I talked to my friends from Imperial and UCL. This only happens in Oxbridge. (They say, do your research before you go for any university. I obviously didn't take that advice very seriously.) All other London medical schools students don't have to go through this! No wonder our intra-species competition was so intense so the past 2 years because it all depends on your merits/results to stay. :/ 

And now everyone's scrambling to fill in their forms and preparing for the interview...*sigh*
Urm interviews, no please, please don't give me nightmares, again. KEEP CALM THIRD YEARS!

If any seniors who have been through it are kind enough to save us from this misery, could you please message me or comment below? We shall be eternally grateful for your contribution. Thank you. :) 

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